Call for Papers

Die Deadline für ERCIM News 88 ist nahe: 18.11.2011

Wie schon oft kommuniziert, genügen 800 Worte und ein bis zwei Bilder/Graphiken in guter Auflösung. Die Artikel werden reviewed, das endgültige Editing erfolgt durch die ERCIM News Editors (nicht ohne vorherigen zusätzlichen Kontakt mit dem Autor).

Ziel ist Kommunikation der Forschungsarbeiten bzw. Ergebnisse an eine interessierte Community (EU-Officers, Forschungsinstitute, ICT Institutionen, …) (10.000 gedruckte Exemplare, Web-Edition mit Suchfunktionen usw.).

Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten Artikel zu platzieren:

1. Research & Innovation, allgemeiner Teil: Themenoffen (aus allen ICT Gebieten) (WICHTIG: Hier gibt es oft wenig Beiträge!!!).
2. Special Theme: Diesmal  Evolving Software – Details siehe unten!

Special theme: Evolving Software
coordinated by Tom Mens (Université de Mons – FNRS/FWO) and Jacques Klein (University of Luxembourg/SnT – FNR)

The activities of software maintenance and evolution have been considered among the most important challenges in software engineering since its origins in the late sixties. The larger part of the effort and cost spent in proprietary or open source software projects goes to the maintenance and evolution of existing software systems as opposed to the development of new systems from scratch. This is mainly due to the fact that software systems need to evolve continually to cope with ever-changing software requirements, as well as to the ever growing complexity of software systems.

Since the early days, research progress in software evolution continued to increase. Techniques, formalisms, tools, methods and processes for software evolution slowly made it into mainstream software development practice of which they are now an integral part. The general aim is to help researchers understand the fundamental principles behind evolving software, and to provide mechanisms to support software engineers in maintaining and evolving software-intensive systems in an effective manner without sacrificing quality.

It is the aim of this ERCIM News Special Theme to report on the most recent European research activities and promising approaches and results in studying, understanding and supporting Evolving Software. Submissions (short articles 700-800 words) are therefore solicited on fundamental or practical research results focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • software re-engineering, reverse engineering, restructuring, refactoring, migration and renovation . model-driven software evolution and evolution of software models . program and model transformation . software maintenance . co-evolution, consistency maintenance, conformance checking, traceability and impact analysis of and between all levels/phases of software development . managerial aspects of software evolution, including effort estimation, prediction models, software processes, …
  • software evolution in novel or emerging computing paradigms (e.g., open source, cloud, grid, many-core, service-oriented, context-aware, embedded, biological computing, quantum computing, etc.) . incremental and continuous verification and validation of non-functional aspects of evolving software (e.g. quality, safety, criticality, trust, real-time, …) . software versioning, repository mining, configuration management . runtime evolution, dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration of software and services . product family and product-line engineering . empirical studies of evolving software.


Articles submitted to the special theme are subject to a review process.

Guidelines for ERCIM News articles

Style: ERCIM News is read by a large variety of people. Keeping this in mind the article should be descriptive (emphasize more the ‘what’ than the ‘how’) without too much technical detail together with an illustration, if possible.
Contributions in ERCIM News are normally presented without formulas. One can get a long way with careful phrasing, although it is not always wise to avoid formulas altogether. In cases where authors feel that the use of formulas is necessary to clarify matters, this should be done in a separate box (to be treated as an illustration). However, formulas and symbols scattered through the text must be avoided as much as possible.

Length: Keep the article short, i.e. 700-800 words.

Format: Submissions preferably in ASCII text or MS Word.

Pictures/Illustrations must be submitted as separate files (not embedded in a MS Word file) in a resolution/quality suitable for printing.

Structure of the article:

The emphasis in ERCIM News is on ‘NEWS’. This should be reflected in both title and lead (‘teaser’).


* Title

* Author (full name, max. two or three authors)

* Teaser: a few words about the project/topic. Printed in bold face, this part is intended to raise interest (keep it short).

* Details describing:

– what the project/product is

– who is involved

– where it takes place

– why the research is being done

– when it was started/completed the aim of the project

– the techniques employed

– the orientation of the project

– future activities

– other institutes involved in this project

– co-operation with other ERCIM members in this field

* Useful Link(s) (only URIs, no references!)

* Contact address with:

– full name of the author

– phone number

– e-mail address

* Photos, illustrations:

ERCIM News is a full color print magazine. Each article should be accompagnied by an illustration (photos, graphics), for example of the product, applications mentioned in the article, people working on the project, etc. (avoid as much as possible flow charts and screen dumps).
Photos should be submitted in jpg or tiff format in a resolution suitable for printing (pictures taken from the web are usually NOT suitable for printing), graphics in a vector format (svg, eps or ps).

Publishing in ERCIM News offers several advantages:

* ERCIM News represents an excellent opportunity to present your research to a broad audience, also outside your own research community

* the printed edition has a circulation of about 9,000 copies

* over 5500 readers are subscribed to the online edition

* the online edition has excellent visibility with a high Google ranking

* ERCIM News is widely distributed in the European Commission

* ERCIM offers a free professional proof-reading service

* Authors can reuse their articles; the copyright of the articles remains with the authors.

* Articles of the sections “Special Theme” and “Research and Innovation” are referenced by DBLP

Further Information:


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